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Create and verify a Proof

Use gnark/backend

Once the circuit is compiled, you can run the three algorithms of a zk-SNARK back end:

  • Setup
  • Prove
  • Verify

Supported zk-SNARK backends are under gnark/backend. gnark currently implements Groth16 and an experimental version of PlonK.

Use a zk-SNARK back end
// 1. One time setup
pk, vk, err := groth16.Setup(cs)

// 2. Proof creation
proof, err := groth16.Prove(cs, pk, witness)

// 3. Proof verification
err := groth16.Verify(proof, vk, publicWitness)

Construct the witness

Within a Go process, re-use the circuit data structure to construct the witness.

type Circuit struct {
X frontend.Variable
Y frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"`

assignment := &Circuit {
X: 3,
Y: 35,
witness, _ := frontend.NewWitness(assignment, ecc.BN254)
// use the witness directly in zk-SNARK backend APIs
groth16.Prove(cs, pk, witness)
// test file --> assert.ProverSucceeded(cs, &witness)

If witness is not built within the same process, or in another programming language, refer to Serialize.

Verify a Proof on Ethereum

On ecc.BN254 + Groth16, gnark can export the groth16.VerifyingKey as a solidity smart contract.

Refer to the code example and end-to-end integration test using a geth simulated blockchain.

// 1. Compile (Groth16 + BN254)
cs, err := frontend.Compile(ecc.BN254, r1cs.NewBuilder, &myCircuit)

// 2. Setup
pk, vk, err := groth16.Setup(cs)

// 3. Write solidity smart contract into a file
err = vk.ExportSolidity(f)